Lesson Two: What is rainwater harvesting?

Student Objectives:

  • Distinguish: Students will ask questions and define problems to distinguish how a passive rainwater harvesting system functions as well as why and how it can be utilized.
  • Build the System: Students will identify the physical parts of a passive rainwater harvesting system and learn the four basic processes involved in harvesting rain: Collection, Conveyance, Infiltration, and Storage.
  • Relate: Students identify the relationships between permeable and impermeable surfaces.
  • Take a Perspective: From a cause-and-effect perspective, students relate the parts of rainwater harvesting to one another.

Links to Lesson Plan, Classroom Presentation, and Handouts:

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 – What is Rainwater Harvesting Presentation

Storm Water Activity

Storm Water Best Management Practice Cards

Stormwater Worksheet