2023 Santa Fe Watershed Fest: presented by the Santa Fe Watershed Association, featuring the Wild & Scenic Film Festival
When you become a sponsor, an engaged and committed group of outdoor enthusiasts will view your company logo recognizing your generous contribution to the environment, education and the arts. Benefits of becoming a sponsor:
- Building on 26 years of water advocacy, you will help support the great work that SFWA does through the year, protecting the Santa Fe watershed and connecting people to it
- Your logo:
– in print ads in the Santa Fe New Mexican (circulation 23,000)
– on santafewatershed.org
– on fliers, postcards, etc.
– in the Festival program
– on-screen at the Festival (if received before 8/7)
We promote the Festival to our e-mail list of 3,400, on our social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) in radio spots, on community calendars, and we seek write-ups in the New Mexican and Reporter, as well as co-promotion by other environmental groups, Contact amara@santafewatershed.org at SFWA to become a sponsor or to advertise in the program.
SFWA is presenting the WSFF On Tour for the 5th time. We put together our custom film program specifically for Santa Fe. WSFF is considered one of the nation’s premier environmental and adventure film festivals, now in its 21st year. It features 150 of the best environmental films, combining stellar filmmaking, beautiful cinematography, and first-rate storytelling. The goal is to inform, inspire and ignite solutions and possibilities to restore the earth and human communities while creating a positive future for generations to come. Wild & Scenic goes on tour globally to hundreds of events hosted by organizations that use the festival as a platform to inspire action in their own communities.
- Organization name listed in print ads, on santafewatershed.org, on fliers, postcards, in the Festival program, and onscreen at the Festival
- Logo in print ads, on santafewatershed.org, on fliers, postcards, posters, in the Festival program, and onscreen at the Festival
- 2 tickets to the Festival
- Logo featured in print ads, on santafewatershed.org, on fliers, postcards, posters, in the Festival program, and onscreen at the Festival
- Special thanks from the presenter at the in-person event
- 4 tickets to the Festival
$2,500 – Title Sponsorship
- Top logo recognition in print ads, on santafewatershed.org, on fliers, postcards, posters, in the Festival program, and onscreen at the Festival
- Special thanks from the presenter at the in-person event
- Opportunity to display business materials at the in-person event
- 6 tickets to the Festival
- Sponsor recognition at Festival’s wrap-around events (TBD)
Thank you for your support! Recognition in print and onscreen if sponsorship is received before 8/15
Ad Sizes (w x h inches) Price
Full Page: 5.5 x 8.5 $600
Half Page: 5.5 x 4.25 $300
Quarter Page: 2.25 x 4.25 $150
File Specifications Ads must be submitted as a high-resolution, print-ready PDF (exported using the PDF/X-1a:2001 setting) or a high-resolution TIFF. All images must be CMYK at 300 dpi. No spot colors, RGB, LAB, or INDEX color elements. All fonts must be properly embedded or converted to outlines. Deadline Aug 15 2022. Call (505) 820-1696 to reserve. Email artwork to amara@santafewatershed.org
Payment Send a check payable to SFWA to:
Santa Fe Watershed Association, 1413 Second Street, Suite 3, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
YES! Sign us up as sponsor of the Wild and Scenic Film Festival On Tour in support
of the Santa Fe Watershed Association at the following level (check one):
□ $250
□ $500
□ $1,000
□ $2,500 – Title Sponsorship
□ We cannot be a sponsor, but here’s a donation of $_________________
Contact Name ________________________________________________________
Business Name _______________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City____________________________________ State__________ Zip___________
Phone _______________________ Email __________________________________
□ Enclosed is a check
□ Please charge my: □ Visa □ MasterCard
Name on Card_________________________________________________________
Mailing Address for Card ________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State ______ Zip____________
Account Number ___________________________________________
Expiration _______________ 3-Digit Code on Back _______________
Please send this form to Amara Nash, amara@santafewatershed.org or mail to:
Santa Fe Watershed Association
1413 Second Street, Suite 3
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Call (505) 820-1696
SFWA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, part or all of your donation may be tax deductible.