This workshop will introduce concerns related to the impacts of urban development on watershed hydrology including excess runoff, erosion, and stormwater pollutants. The presentation, taught by Aaron Kauffman of Southwest Urban Hydrology, will review how Green Stormwater Infrastructure (e.g. rain gardens and bio-retention basins) can mitigate urban watershed concerns.
- DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
- TIME: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- LOCATION: New Mexico State Library, Pinon Room, 1209 Camino Carlos Rey Santa Fe, NM 87507
Participants will learn to identify variables needed for good GSI design (e.g. stormwater runoff calculations, soil and vegetation factors, maintenance concerns, etc.) before a field trip to view the pros/cons of various GSI projects around Santa Fe.
After the field trip, participants will conduct a quick assessment of a site for GSI design or will begin utilizing initial design criteria for a project they might be considering. Presentation format will include PowerPoint slides/images, handouts with runoff/catchment calculations, links and references for more information, a field trip to existing GSI sites, and an onsite assessment of runoff/catchment opportunities. The course is intended to provide a moderate introduction to GSI concepts and design. Click here for the GSI Workshop Outline (PDF).