“Hunter’s Moon” Clean-Up

Santa Fe River “Hunter’s Moon” Clean-Up

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Clean-Up: 10:00am – Noon

Picnic: 12:30 – 2:00pm

Where: Monsignor Patrick Smith Park (on East Alameda) in Santa Fe

The October Full Moon (October 18, 5:38 PM mountain time, 2013) is the Hunter’s Moon.

The Clean-Up –  This is our third All-River Clean-Up of 2013.

Teamwork MASTERS Program 8-1-13)Help us hunt for trash — and treasures — in the Santa Fe River, after our monsoon run-off events and before the first freeze.

Our 30 Adopt-the-River volunteer Steward groups turn out together three times/year — this being the third time in 2013 — and community members are invited to join us, from 10:00 am – Noon, for this all-hands, all-along-the-river clean-up.

Form a team, or just come join the fun.

— Prize for the most trash collected — first-come, first-serve, to reserve the ‘baaaddd-est” reaches for your team).

— Prize for the largest team.

— Prize for the most interesting treasure found.

— Prize for forecasting the night of the first freeze in the Fall of 2013. (We’ll award it after the first freeze at the airport.)

— Prize for the best pie (Even if you can’t join us in the river that morning, you could bake a pie to treat the volunteers!)

— Raffles for Santa Fe Watershed ball cap, blanket & Kleen Kanteen water bottle

The Annual Thank You Picnic for Adopt-the-River Stewards and Sponsors

If you are one of our Fabulous Stewards and Sponsors,

Please, please do join us for our 2013 Thank You Picnic, 12:30-2:00pm, at Patrick Smith Park.

Stewards, come thank your Sponsors. Sponsors, come thank the Stewards…

… and hear stories about the treasures — the $50 bill, the lost-and-found purse, the garter snakes, the elm roots and dry brush, and the mountains of trash — they’ve found in the river this year.

… and let us thank you all for so totally showing up for the Santa Fe River all year.

Sponsored by the Santa Fe Watershed Association & The City of Santa Fe

Please RSVP to Keely by Wednesday, October 16

Adopt-the-River Steward Coordinator, 820-1696, stewards@santafewatershed.org


Erosion Control Workshop with Bill Zeedyk


Volunteer Erosion Control Workshop

with Bill Zeedyk

Instruction and hands-on construction of erosion control structures including media lunas, one-rock dams, a rock baffle, Zuni bowl and rolling dips.

Bill has over 50 years experience in natural resource conservation and management and has conducted numerous hands-on training workshops throughout the Southwest.

Saturday, September 28th

9 am to 3 pm

3200 Paseo del Monte

Hyde Park Estates

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Drinks and snacks provided. Please bring your own lunch.

Please bring sunscreen, gloves, sturdy shoes, hat, etc.

Workshop is limited to 18 people.

Register by contacting Rachel Wood, Consulting Forester and Project Coordinator, at

(505) 989-5072 or rachelwood@cybermesa.com

Thank you!

Thank you Santa Fe and Whole Foods Market!

Thank you to all who shopped at Whole Foods Market on May 22 for Community Support Day for the Santa Fe Watershed Association!!!

Roll…iiiin’ Down the River with Jack Loeffler, Bill deBuys, & Steve Harris!

Join us for this wonderous float down a sweet reach of the Rio Chama with three of New Mexico’s ardent conservationists. Stimulating conversation, sensational stories, and much laughter, guaranteed! Click here for much more information and to Register.

June 1 – All American River Cleanup Day

Quick, Catch the River Flow!

As of Friday, May 3rd, the City of Santa Fe began bypassing water to the Santa Fe River corridor. Please see the Santa Fe New Mexican article here.


Community Tree Planting

The Santa Fe Watershed Association is proud to present two more days of TREE PLANTINGS to supplement the Santa Fe River Greenway restoration project. Drop by and plant a tree, learn about the restoration that has occurred, and enjoy refreshments in return for your help!

Where: Along the River Trail upstream of Frenchy’s Field footbridge.

Date: Saturday, May 11 – 10 a.m. – noon and Saturday, May 18 from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Santa Fe River’s early spring “pulse”

An early spring “pulse” of Santa Fe River target flows began on Monday, March 18. On Monday, March 25, water was flowing as far as the Delgado Bridge. By Tuesday morning, flows were reaching Sandoval Street and may have reached Guadalupe Street by the afternoon!

Students Making a Creative Difference

This just in from Abby Goldfarb, an Americorps Volunteer with EarthCare from students at Tesuque Elementary:

The 3rd grade students at Tesuque Elementary are making delightful bracelets to raise money for the Santa Fe Watershed Association. We have been studying the importance of water in our garden class and want to spread the message to others.

Water is good for us.  The wschool bracelethole world needs water, including plants, people, and animals.  We are made out of water.  You can drink water and it’s healthy for you.  It’s cold, it keeps you strong, and it is fun to play with, like in lakes and rivers.  We want people to stop wasting water and to care for the water.

Buying these bracelets can help change the future.  All the money we raise will go to helping our water in the Santa Fe area.  We hope that our bracelets might also help change the way you feel about water and teach you something.  They might help you waste less water.  If you buy one and wear it around, it might make you think more about how important water is each time you feel it or look at it or tell some one about it.  Every bracelet is one of a kind and handmade by us.

Thank you for your help in keeping our water safe!



Inspiration for the Day

We at the Santa Fe Watershed Association like to share articles that we feel are especially inspiring and meaningful. This conversation with photographer Chris Jordan is just that.
