“Hunter’s Moon” Clean-Up
Santa Fe River “Hunter’s Moon” Clean-Up
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Clean-Up: 10:00am – Noon
Picnic: 12:30 – 2:00pm
Where: Monsignor Patrick Smith Park (on East Alameda) in Santa Fe
The October Full Moon (October 18, 5:38 PM mountain time, 2013) is the Hunter’s Moon.
The Clean-Up – This is our third All-River Clean-Up of 2013.
Help us hunt for trash — and treasures — in the Santa Fe River, after our monsoon run-off events and before the first freeze.
Our 30 Adopt-the-River volunteer Steward groups turn out together three times/year — this being the third time in 2013 — and community members are invited to join us, from 10:00 am – Noon, for this all-hands, all-along-the-river clean-up.
Form a team, or just come join the fun.
— Prize for the most trash collected — first-come, first-serve, to reserve the ‘baaaddd-est” reaches for your team).
— Prize for the largest team.
— Prize for the most interesting treasure found.
— Prize for forecasting the night of the first freeze in the Fall of 2013. (We’ll award it after the first freeze at the airport.)
— Prize for the best pie (Even if you can’t join us in the river that morning, you could bake a pie to treat the volunteers!)
— Raffles for Santa Fe Watershed ball cap, blanket & Kleen Kanteen water bottle
The Annual Thank You Picnic for Adopt-the-River Stewards and Sponsors
If you are one of our Fabulous Stewards and Sponsors,
Please, please do join us for our 2013 Thank You Picnic, 12:30-2:00pm, at Patrick Smith Park.
Stewards, come thank your Sponsors. Sponsors, come thank the Stewards…
… and hear stories about the treasures — the $50 bill, the lost-and-found purse, the garter snakes, the elm roots and dry brush, and the mountains of trash — they’ve found in the river this year.
… and let us thank you all for so totally showing up for the Santa Fe River all year.
Sponsored by the Santa Fe Watershed Association & The City of Santa Fe
Please RSVP to Keely by Wednesday, October 16
Adopt-the-River Steward Coordinator, 820-1696, stewards@santafewatershed.org